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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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Home His life

Mes longs voyages

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I was going to create an album for adults. I wanted it to be cheerful and inspiring but then I gave up this idea. My life challenged me at the time so the albums came out to be more serious, let’s face it. However, it doesn’t take itself seriously. It speaks about serious things that the one who has gone through many decades faces inevitably. «Everything passes by over time, everything passes by…». The one whose body has been alive for sixty years knows what it is talking about. We all understand it but do not resent. We don’t think about it every second of our lives. We just know this fact. I’m speaking about death, life, about calm and my mother who forgets many things but still remembers the most important ones. I’m speaking about childhood and the first time we are getting to the strange world of ourselves. Certainly I’m speaking about love but not to the extend some people do, because in such a case I would repeat myself and stay stuck on the same subject forever. I’m singing the songs of my own idols, the songs I seem to love during all the years of my life. This album is really gentle and it’s like a balm. It is a bit melancholic and sorrowful but it’s tender and unavoidable like the life is. I called this album “the album for adults” but I don’t mind young people to listen to it. They will undoubtedly find their own things in it.

We collaborated with Guy St-Onge, our paths have crossed during the work on different projects here and there for the last thirty years. We were making vague plans to work together one day. Once Guy offered me to create the most beautiful album the earth have ever known. Oh! Who could resist it? So what does the best album on the earth look like? I suppose it looks like nothing and everything at once. It is made with love and patience of the creator. The thing always turns out to be the best if it is made with love and patience. So it is exactly what we tried to create.

There’s nothing to explain. I consider that everything will become clear to you during the listening. So it’s a dish that has been cooking for so long to please all the guest around the table.

1. Baby Boom
2. Ceci est moi
3. Le cimetière des rêves
4. La nuit je mens
5. Fidèle
6. J’oublie jamais, jamais, d’aimer
7. Qui es-tu je seul
8. Maman chantait les feuilles
9. Avec le temps
10. Parlez-nous de vous
11. Une valse pour rien
12. La ballade de Chet
13. Mes longs voyages
14. Stixx