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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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Live radio diffusion. Lavoie libre

Over 40 years of his career, the author, composer and singer Daniel Lavoie had a great success in Canada and Europe. Born in Manitoba, he lives in Quebec since 1970. This summer, for the first time in his life, Daniel leads a program dedicated to his passions: music and poetry. Daniel Lavoie leads this musical program, full of passion and freedom very sincerely. He uses it to open his beloved Quebec poets for us, to read their poems. Inquisitive by nature, Daniel also shares his musical discoveries, and his love of song.

The team: The host: Daniel Lavoie.

Statement: Loue Tremblay.

Assistant director: Pauline Arbour.

In the first program - July 4, Daniel introduces students to the poetry of Bruno Roy in the aspect of the book «L'envers de l'éveil»


Sent his first installations on our antennas this summer, an author, composer and singer Daniel Lavoie continues his diverse meetings on Sunday evenings, to the great delight of his fans. Each week, he gives us his musical preferences, what inspires him and what he cares. In love with poetry and poets, he reads us texts that he is particularly fond of.