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Si moi j'ai le plus beau compliment à faire à un chanteur, c'est ça: il a sa signature. Tu l'entends chanter, t'as pas besoin de connaître la chanson, c'est Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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 «Nous sommes complices depuis très longtemps. Je l'ai entendu pour la première fois il y a une vingtaine d'années. Il est beau, il a une de ces voix, il m'a plu musicalement. Nous avons souvent chanté ensemble dans toutes sortes de situations: nous avons même fait un duo lors de Francofolies en Bulgarie!» 

Daniel Lavoie

Maurane  (12.11.1960 - 7.05.2018) was born in Belgium. Her parents are musicians: her mother is a pianist, her father – a director of the conservatory. Since childhood she was surrounded by music, learned to play the violin, piano and guitar. But in fact, musicals attracted her very much, such as «West Side Story» or «The Young Girls of Rochefort». Most of all she loved singing. She says about herself in a very romantic way: «In my dreams I see life in pink, but actually live in red. Red, because I`m a passionate sanguine, red, because it is the color of desire, love, anger, shyness, excessiveness.»

Daniel Lavoie et Maurane sont des amis de longue date: «Ça fait longtemps que nous chantons ensemble. Nous avons même fait partie du groupe Les Fabulous Waffles en 1979!»

Throughout her solo career Mourane released 12 solo albums, several of which included songs of Daniel Lavoie. Albums «Une fillet res scene» («The Child of Scaffolging») and «Quand l`humain danse» («When Humanity is dancing»). Maurane and Daniel played together many times in different concert programs.

In November 8, 2010 in the concert hall «Astral» in Quebec a very special performance took place to celebrate the release of «Nougaro». This evening Mourane was represented by Daniel Lavoie as the possessor of one of the most beautiful voices among French-speaking singers. «This wonderful woman has a strong, right and a very convincing voice» - Daniel said.


Maurane`s website: