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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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Album «Un tresor dans mon jardin»


Songs, stories and rhymes by Gilles Vigneault, performed by Daniel Lavoie, Linda LeMay, Richard Dezhardan, Masha Grenier, Sylvain Kosset, Michel Faubert, Luck Merville, Yves Lambert, Nancy Dumais, Michel Rivar and Art Rouge.
 From Greenfield Park to Toulouse, passing through Dryummondvill, the performers recorded everything. Without belittling the merits of indisputable queen of the genre Carmen Campagne, a pioneer of children CDs in Quebec, the name of Gilles Vigneault remains.
 «The treasure in my garden» is his fourth album. «There was no better way for me to celebrate my 40th carrier anniversary in this genre - he says. But this time he doesn`t sings. He wrote all the lyrics and composed most of the tunes for the album, but allowed to perform these songs to several famous singers.» I listened to the album 5 or 6 times, and some of the songs 10-15 times. Just for fun. To tell myself: «Wow, how well I did all that time, I was so right to have it done.»

 The artists are also pretty proud with the opportunity being involved in this project. Thus, most of them have their own children, it was not difficult to persuade them to participate. The director Paul Campagne (Art Rouge) spoke to all the artists who took part in. And it was he who met with them to record their voices wherever they were. So, Daniel Lavoie and Sylvan Kosset were in London, while Richard Dezhardan sang «La marmite» in Toulouse.
 Daniel Lavoie explained his participation in this project: «I know Paul and his family Campagne for a very long time. When Paul asked me to sing Vigneault works, I couldn`t refuse».
 From her part, Nancy Dumais returned to the song after the forced pause associated with her daughter birth. «Sure, it's those songs that help children sleep well. This is a special moment.»
 The constant member of Campagne family, Yves Lemieux from the group «Bottine Souriante», sees this as the future involvement of the public. «This is my third project for children. This is a question of marketing, I'm working for my future audience.» - he said and burst out laughing. «My appearance, my energy and my fascination brought me also the children's sympathy».  And Sylvan Kosset adds: «I don`t have the impression that such a project like this one was created only for kids. It is also for adults.» While the adults have returned to their adult conversations, a few children were running around, playing and laughing in their «Treasure in the Garden.»

«Berseuse pour Julie»

Lyrics: Gilles Vigneault
Music: Gilles Vigneault, Robert Bilbeau