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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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Daniel Lavoie: There is useful and useless, a tiny bit and infinite. It is located between ephemeral and eternal.

The publishing date: November 2011
Publisher: DES PLAINES
(Canadian Books)
Author: Daniel Lavoie
Collection: Off the collection
Category: Essays

Number of pages: 88
The following came out before:

Les plus belles chansons de Daniel Lavoie.
Published in Mont St-Hilaire, publisher - Chant de mon pays, 1985. 48 pages.
(The texts of the 10 most popular songs with notes.)

The release of this book will be held at Montreal Book Fair November 16-20, then at the Book Fair in Paris March 2012.

Séance de signature de Finutilité, la nouveauté de Daniel Lavoie, à Montréal, Winnipeg et Toronto

Article - Daniel Lavoie aux plaines

Article - Daniel Lavoie de retour dans ses plaines

Article - En toute intimité 

Article - Daniel Lavoie а été l’invité d’honneur du Salon international du livre de Québec

Audio - Genevieve speaks with Joann and Terian Yuget Legalov from the «Des Plaine» Publishing House, which is going to release this work by french-manitobe author-composer-musician Daniel Lavoie.



Daniel Lavoie`s Assay
Release Date – November 16, 2011

Finutilité exists in me
What for are you telling me that?
For worthless poetry, ephemeral beauty ...
For the beauty, infinite to sadness.
For me, for you, who are nothing and everything at the same time.

With «Finutilité», from infinity to the insignificant and fleeting, Daniel Lavoie signs his first literary work. In this collection moments of perception follow each other, observation of contradictions, as well as over the revelations of life. Daniel Lavoie, challenging or comforting, talks about it passionately, with humor and sensitivity.
In Finutilité, Daniel Lavoie offers poems in texture, in the changing images, captured in its motion. Serious next to hilarious, sugar and salt, various shades of red are weaving; the deep sense of irony runs into the beautiful lightness of being. This is an allusion to the tragic aspect of modern life and its gaming side. The book is sometimes seek to provoke, sometimes suppress. There are moments of perception, thinking about the aspects of life, which concerns a lot, about the contradictions, but also of its manifestations. This book is written by the one, who notices much, who feels deeply and shares his observations with sense of humor and precision of expression.
The author-composer, singer, poet, actor and radio host, Daniel Lavoie, is known worldwide and he is recognized as one of the greatest artists of his time. Since his debut in his native Manitoba, beginning with «Nirvana bleu» to «Notre-Dame de Paris», passing through «Ils s'aiment», «Jours de Plaine» and «Le Petit Prince», his achievements and his work, especially in Canada and France, are impressive. Now you will discover a different aspect of the man with so many talents.


Maison de la poésie de Montréa

Daniel Lavoie appuie la 5e campagne de financement de la Maison de la Poésie

Montréal, le 10 avril 2013 - La Maison de la poésie de Montréal а lançait récemment sa 5e campagne de financement annuelle.

L'activité, qui se déroule sous laprésidence d'honneur du Poète de la Cité, Claude Beausoleil, reçoit le soutien del'auteur-compositeur-interprète Daniel Lavoie, qui a accepté d'être leporte-parole du spectacle-bénéfice pour cette cause qu'il juge essentielle.

«À un moment dans ma vie j'ai compris que la poésie était la seule réponse possible au désespoir», affirme Daniel Lavoie.

La campagne, qui se déroulera jusqu'à la finjuillet, a pour objectif d'amasser 25 000 $. Cette somme permettra à l'organisme de poursuivre sa mission et, plus particulièrement, de développerson programme éducatif en milieu scolaire défavorisé. Les gens qui souhaitent contribuer peuvent faire un don en ligne en cliquant sur l'ongletévénement-bénéfice du site  ou encore communiquer avec l'organisme par téléphone (514 526-6251) ou par courriel ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ).
