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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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Album «The Return ... To Canada With Love»


Liona Boyd, «The First Lady of the Guitar», returned from the USA to live in Toronto. In September 2013 she released a new CD called «The Return... to Canada with Love». This album, her "greatest ever" according to many of those who have heard the work in progress, is an ambitious, powerful and unique project dedicated to Canada. This album includes some pieces for orchestra and songs inspired by Canada with the participation of Canadians artists,   several prestigious guests:  Olivia Newton-John, Dan Hill, Jann Arden, Randy Bachman, Serena Ryder, Chris Hadfield, Maria Aragon, Daniel Lavoie, John McDermott, Eleanor McCain, Mark Masri, Divine Brown and many others. Her original style has been described as «Enya meets Leonard Cohen, meets the beautiful guitar tones that could only come from Liona Boyd».

«You Drew Me Back Again» (feat.Daniel Lavoie)
«A Mes Beaux Souvenirs» (feat.Daniel Lavoie)