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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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Album «Dors-Mon Petit Dors-Berceuses»


Author - Composer: Carmen Campagne
 Illustrator: Marie Lafrance

«Au clair de la lune» («Sleep my baby, sleep»)

Beginning with «Dodo l'enfant do» to «Meunier, tu dors», passing through the «Au clair de la lune» (performed with Daniel Lavoie), Carmen Campagne gives us a very beautiful collection of traditional lullabies to listen to them before you go to bed... they are luxuriously illustrated by Marie Lafrance.

1.  Berceuse pour compter  
2.  La poule aux oeufs d'or  
3.  Dodo l'enfant do  
4.  Laisse-toi bercer   
5.  Doux dodo   
6.  Berceuse créole  
7.  Meunier tu dors  
8.  Dors mon petit, dors  
9.  Canon israélien
10.  Arrorró mi niño
11.  Au clair de la lune