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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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Album «75 Ans, 75 Chansons 2011»


Radio-Canada had been reproducing year by year the unique moments, where the number of artists was expressed musically, creating songs or original works versions, which are currently included in the history. The koffret «75 years, 75 Songs» put together some of this great moments, which make us excited since 1936 until today. The koffret includes 5 CDs, supplemented with the albums of photos and songs lyrics.

CD 1 - (1936-1960) 

CD 2 –  (1960-1970)

 CD3 –   (1970-1980) 

CD 4 –  (1980-2000)

 CD5 –   (2000 +)  №47 dans le

CD4: Daniel Lavoie : ils s’aiment (1983)

The day dedicated to the 40th anniversary of «Bed-in» day, the radio, May 2009 The author-composer: Daniel Lavoie, co-author: Daniel Deshaime, Editor: «Janvier musique». This hit, located in the upper rows of the top 50, initially was a song in English. «If you only knew how much trouble it has brought me, especially the French version,» - said Daniel Lavoie. «I wrote about 50 different versions. And then someone told me: «Why don`t you just call it «Ils s'aiment»? I found it too melodramatic ... But later I noticed that it all really didn`t matter! «Then, why not to sing it during «Bed-in» day ( by John Lennon and Yoko Ono) on «Espace musique» in 2009?