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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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The concert of Garou (2010)

Charming Gentleman-Thief

He is the greatest among the thieves, but, nevertheless, he is a true gentleman.
And every woman at the same time is dreaming of at least seeing his face.
From dancer to actress and the perfect spouse gentleman-thief captures the hearts.

(From the song «Gentleman Cambrioleur» by Garou)

«I was waiting only for you.»

The scene is in the darkness ... The musicians and the audience remind statues, frozen in anticipation ... Fortunately, it does not last so long ... Somewhere in the darkness trumpets begin to be heard, strumming an improvisation on the topic, famous for all Garou admirers ... All eyes immediately rush to the back of the stage in the attempt to see the outlines of an artist ... But HE is a thief, so he tries not to show his face. He carefully slips to the middle of his «museum» in the same twilight ... Finished the game on the tube, he was surprised to discover, that he is not alone in his lair... But he doesn`t hurry to run away or drive away the presenters, because he is Garou! So he goes out of the dark, bestows everyone with his smile and publicly acknowledges that «He was waiting only for us». He invites viewers into his refuge of the thief, in his «Museum of Music» to admire «the stolen masterpieces»...

Video: Garou - Gentleman Camrioleur. Je n'attendais que vousu

The concert by Garou in Crocus City Hall began in such a mysterious and spiritual style. Before the audience Monsieur appeared in several characters: gallant singer, performing covers of songs by Sinatra, Dassin and Ray Charles, naughty boy, joker, the parody of Elvis, singing the songs of Quebec along with the spectators, and, of course, an incorrigible romantic, confessing his love to Russian fans. And this love is sincere and mutual. A powerful impact, which ran through the audience, and happiness in the eyes of viewers became the proof of that.. Concert flew in the same breath .. Let us recall the most vivid moments of the show by Gentlemen-Thief...

«We are also in your gang!»

To surprise their favorite one fans organized a small flash mob. Just before the show very unusual masks were distributed to all spectators of the fan zone, which had to be put on as soon as the lights go out and stay on their faces untill Garou finishes his song «Gentleman Cambrioleur»; and the poster «Garoussie est dans ta bande aussi »(«Garoussie is in your band too») was supposed to be raised at the forefront. The poster was supposed to be shown to a gentleman-thief at the time when he begins to represent his «gang». Despite the fact that the poster was raised a little bit earlier than it was intended to, effects of masks and a poster slogan obviously impressed Garou very much, an excitement mixed with joy could be read in his eyes due to the fact that his fans love him so and are loyal to him.

«I want to hear you singing!»

Any artist likes the fact, that the audience knows the repertoire and sings along with him. Garou, who arrived in Moscow for the fourth time, had no doubt that the fans know his songs by heart and are always ready to sing it very emotionally:) So, before performing the legendary «La Boheme» by Charles Aznavour, he exclaimed: «I want to hear you singing!» .

And he heard: the hall, and, in particular, the fan zone, perfectly coped with the performance, and sung «Gitan» and «Seul» almost entirely. Monsieur was definitely happy.

Vidео: Garou - Gitan


«Little Bee.»

Perhaps, Garou`s concert is not complete without songs by Beatles. And this time, Garou also sang Medley of songs «Let it Be» and «Hey Jude», seasoned with joke about the fact that once upon a time his grandmother asked him to sing a song about the «Little Bee». And, despite the fact that the public recognized irony in this sentence, they continued laughing and singing along for their dearest artist.

«You need to be chilled!»

Fans danced and screamed pretty enough when Garou finally stated the diagnosis: «It`s pretty hot here! You need to be chilled!». And he performed a song, written by the famous Canadian musician Leonard Cohen «Everybody Knows». He sang it very deeply and it really calmed the audience a little bit:) But not for s long, because the famous «Belle» followed next, performed as the whole thing (!), as well as rockers lyrics «Plus Fort», «Que Moi», «Stand Up» and «Reviens», during which no one in their right mind was able to sit still.

«I`m still the same.»

As a special dessert, we had a favorite Garou`s song «Je Suis le Meme»; it was the feeling, that while performing it, he was trying to tell the viewers : «Despite all my artistic transformations, I'm still the same Garou, who is always ready to open the doors of my soul for you and share my emotions, to turn inside out.
And fans do not even doubt:) Moreover, it should be noted that the fan club «Garoussie» prepared for the arrival of Monsieur very carefully. For several months, girls pored over the manufacture of the second volume of their encyclopedia. When Garou saw it, he stunned a bit, because he was not expecting, that the last year's joke about another book will be realized.

Author: Olga Linnichenko

However, it should be noted that our FC did not stay away from giving presents to Daniel`s colleagues. By the way, Daniel, gave us an idea of the gift himself! When in May 2010, Daniel came to Moscow, one of his fans gave him a gift - the book «Recipes of Russian cuisine» and «Сocktails with Vodka». Seeing the latter, he exclaimed: «Vodka! It's not for me! It's for Garou!» But we decided, that giving the ordinary vodka is not interesting, so we gave the unusual one, entitled «A thief in the ambush». In addition to Vodka we prepared the case for it in Russian style, a post card with our best wishes and a gift bag with the inscription in French: «You are hiding, but I can see you!»

The Gift for Garou