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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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Daniel Lavoie – a star in Russia


Daniel has not had a new album for a long time. Instead, he gives himself complete freedom in the show presenting a retrospective of his career.
At the beginning of his career in 1967, the singer won the prize of the Radio Canada «Jeunesse oblige» competition and has continued his artistic career for 40 years. With the release of his album «Tension-attention» in 1983, he had a great success in Europe, particularly in France, Switzerland and Belgium. The song «Il's s'aiment» spread throughout the whole Francophone world and placed him at the top of the charts. After overcoming some professional difficulties (including a bankruptcy) he quickly got back on his feet and continued to release albums that were always well received by the public.

Star in Russia

While still continuing his solo performances, Daniel accepted the role of Frollo in the musical «Notre Dame de Paris» in 1998, and this allowed him to make an international tour in many important cities, including Moscow and St. Petersburg. The singer could not even imagine that, more than 10 years later, this whole adventure will take him to Russia with solo concerts. At the beginning of 2012 Daniel opened his tour «J'écoute la radio» all over Quebec. Inspired by an album with the same name, this show, directed by Denis Bouchard, presented a true retrospective of his career. The show was presented in Russia, Ukraine and Poland.

«I knew that I have a fan club in Russia, thanks to «Notre Dame», but I never imagined that I would get such a warm welcome. The audience was ecstatic, even the people who do not speak French, sang along with me.»

If Daniel is a well-known singer in Quebec, it is pretty astonishing that he is also famous in Russia. Denis Bouchard, who accompanied the singer in Russia, told us that the concerts he gave there were a huge success. By the way, the two of them decided to work together on a new project. «We'll work together on a new project, but it's too early to speak about it»- he said with quiet confidence. In an interview he gave in Russia he announced that he had a project in mind, not quite a musical, but rather a show with music in it, based on some American Indian legends. To be continued ...