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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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Сreation of «Ils s`aiment»

«Ils s`aiment» was published in 1983. It was included in the album «Tension, Attention» (in France this album is called «Ils s`aiment») and immediately became the undisputed hit.

More than 2 million copies were sold in Europe and Quebec… Translations in English, Spanish, Portuguese. In Russia we can hear «Ils s`aiment» in «Maids», Roman Viktyuk`s famous performance. The great hit, which brought resounding success to Daniel Lavoie and has become his hallmark. Its music makes shivers down the spine, even in those who do not understand French ....

Video: «Ils s`aiment»

Daniel tells about this song creation:

«This album was my last chance, because I could not earn for a living, all that I earned just went back into the circulation. I began to feel dissatisfied, I was 34-35 years old, and then I said: «I do not want to live all my life like this»… Because I really earned at the very poor people level. And I remember the day when I wrote this song. I was working as usual, composing songs… At noon I made a break to prepare myself a sandwich, went home, turned on the TV, listened to daily news… And there was a report from Beirut, because it was 1983. Beirut was in fire, covered with blood and destroyed. In that report I saw two teenagers, holding their hands at the ruins, and it really shocked and impressed me at the same time. Such a things make you smile in a surrounding darkness. It pushed me back into my studio where I wrote «Ils s'aiment» in 15 minutes. I sing this song so far, and I always feel the same emotions, because it feels like I am in Jerusalem, in Baghdad at the moment… This song is always truthful, awfully truthful…»

Since 1983 this song is a mandatory part in many compilation albums, such as «30 unforgettable hits», which was released in November 2009. «Ils s`aiment» is actually relevant even nowdays, because wars on our planet are continuing , but, fortunately, love is alive too...

Video: «Ils s`aiment»

Video: «Ils s`aiment»

Daniel tells about this song creation:

And yet, because this song is incredibly beautiful, it was performed by many famous artists.

Video: Lara Fabian - «Ils s`aiment» (Avec A.Kavanah)

Video: Isabelle Boulay, Bruno Pelletier-  «Aimons nous», «Ils s'aiment».

In July 25, 2010 on his radio-channel «Lavoie libre» Daniel declared: «Surprise for my Russian friends - the Russian version of my song «Ils s`aiment».
Thanks, Daniel!