Judy Richards

Judy Richards is a dancer, choreographer, actress, singer, songwriter, social activist and a hostess on Radio Canada. She successfully combines the creative and business skills.
Judy released several solo albums, participated in theater productions. She is engaged in charity for several years. In 2007 the album «From the seventh heaven» («Du septieme ciel») was re-leased, it included 12 songs. This album was inspired by her trip to Vietnam, Cambodia, Philip-pines, Mexico and Haiti, countries, where there is a social chaos. Her c0-writers were Richard Seguin, Pierre Legare, Andre Gagnon, Louise Forestier and Daniel Lavoie. The performance of the same name was successful held throughout Quebec from September 2008 to May 2009. No doubt, it was the largest and the most inspirational show of her career. Two songs «Du septieme ciel» and «Pattes de velours», in writing of which Daniel took part, you can listen here.
And of course one of the most joyous events for us is that in 2010 Judy was the hostess of TV production «Life Star», totally dedicated to Daniel Lavoie.
Judy`s website: