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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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Album «Les yeux de la faim»



Video: Rene & Nathalie Simard Celine Dion Les Yeux de la Faim

Participation in the collective project «Les yeux de la faim» (Hungry eyes) in support of hungry Ethiopians.

 Jean Robitaille decides to create the single on Marco Studio along with the sound designer Richard Belanger and Orchestra Metropolitain du Grand Monreal. Many record companies initially refused to release this single, as well as in their opinion it might not really help to change an already very serious situation in Ethiopia. Finally the record studio Kebek-Disque released this CD in May 1985 with only one condition: that the entire proceeds from sales of the single (45 tours and 33 tours) must be deposited in the «Quebec Africa» fund

Project participants:

Daniel Lavoie, Martine St-Clair, Michel Rivard, Céline Dion, Jean-Pierre Ferland, Gilles Vigneault, Nicole Martin, Claude Léveillée, Donald Lautrec, Claude Gauthier, Véronique Béliveau, Pierre Bertrand, Marie-Michèle Desrosiers, Yvon Deschamps, Renée Claude, Pierre Lalonde, Louise Portal, Dominique Michel, Jacques Michel,Louise Forestier, Sylvain Lelièvre, Marjo, Jean-Guy Moreau, Belgazou, Martine Chevrier, Michel Louvain, François Cousineau, Diane Juster, Jacques Boulanger, Michel Lemieux, Peter Pringle, Sylvie Tremblay, Nanette Workman,Robert Leroux, Patsy Gallant, René Simard, Nathalie Simard, Normand Brathwaite et la formation Toulouse (groupe).