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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

Now Online

Allain Leprest

Nu, j'ai vécu nu
Naufragé de naissance
Sur l'île de Malenfance
Dont nul n'est revenu
Nu, j'ai vécu nu
Dans des vignes sauvages
Nourri de vin d'orage
Et de corsages émus
Nu, vieil ingénu
J'ai nagé dans tes cieux
Depuis les terres de feu
Jusqu'aux herbes ténues
Nu, j'ai pleuré nu
Dans la buée d'un miroir
Le cœur en gyrophare
Qu'est-ce qu'on s'aimait... Samu

Nu, j'ai vécu nu
Sur le fil de mes songes
Les tissus de mensonges
Mon destin biscornu
Mais nu, je continue
Mon chemin de tempête
En gueulant a tue-tête
La chanson des canuts
Nu, j'avance nu
Dépouillé de mon ombre
J'voulais pas être un nombre
Je le suis devenu
Nu, j'ai vécu nu
Aux quatre coins des gares
Clandestin d'une histoire
Qui n'a plus d'avenue

Nu, je suis venu
Visiter en passant
Un globule de sang
Un neutron des nues
Nu, le torse nu
Je voudrais qu'on m'inhume
Dans mon plus beau posthume:

«Pacifiste inconnu»

Allan Leprest is a very subtle and ambiguous contemporary poet, author and performer. Roman Didier - French singer and composer - often writes music and arrangements to his texts. Many songs for other artists are written on Leprest`s lyrics. Leprest is considered to be one of the best singers of contemporary art song. And although he is not very well known to the general public, he has a good reputation and credibility in the musical world. He is amazing on stage. His performances are always successful. He writes songs for many famous artists such as: Roman Didier, Isabelle Boulay, Juliette Greco. Allan Leprest released 14 albums. In 2008 he was awarded by Academy Charles Cros for the album «Voce a mano». In 2007 the album «Chez Leprest» was recorded. It is the collection of Leprest`s songs, performed by other artists. Daniel Lavoie performed the song «Nu» («Nude»).

Video: Daniel Lavoie - Nu. Posted on décembre 9th, 2009

Daniel, as a rule, begins his solo concerts with the song «Here it is - our army» («La voilà notre armée») on Leprest`s lyrics.

Video: Notre armée. Paris La Sorbonne. 2007

Daniel also wrote music for the song «Qu'a Dit Le Feu Qu'elle A Dit L'eau» for Allain`s last album «Quand auront fondu les banquise», released in December 2008. In December 14 Allain Leprest was awarded by «le Grand Prix de la SACEM 2009». «Doing the work you truly love - it has no value», - Allan said after receiving the award.

Video:  Nu. Moscow 2010