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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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1991 Sand et les Romantiques: Eugène Delacroix

Sand et les Romantiques

Words and Tracklist

«Sand et les Romantiques» interlinear

Musical rock - symphony for the original idea of Catherine Lara.
Lyrics: Luc Plamondon

Music: Catherine Lara, Eddie Rosemond, Olivier Lennes, Jean-Philippe Rykiel, Claude Lauzzana, John Woolof

George Sand -
Catherine Lara
Le modèle -
Joniece Jamison
Alfred de Musset -
Claude Lauzzana
Eugène Delacroix -
Daniel Lavoie
La muse de la musique -
Marie Dorval - Véronique Sanson

Daniel leaves his solo career for a while to play in the rock – symphony by Luc Plamondon and Catherine Lara « Sand et les Romantiques». He plays the role of the artist Eugene Delacroix. This musical is based on George Sand biography.

Luc Plamondon: Unfortunately, «Sand et les romantiques» has never been performed in Quebec. I offered the role of Delacroix to Daniel Lavoie. This musical is about George Sand`s life, her relationships with Musset, Chopin and her close friendship with Delacroix, who had secretly been in love with her. There is the painting, poetry, music, romance, cause it was the epoch of romanticism in France. I was touched, that this author, composer and performer agreed to sing, like Dubois agreed to perform «Le blues du businessman». This helped to break the routine.

Daniel Lavoie: «Sand et les romantiques» is an incredibly beautiful musical. The songs are great. I've never seen the performance, because I was not involved in the production, I was very busy at that time, but I took part in the disc recording. And I just adore this CD. It includes astonishing songs.
Those, who have not heard «Sand et les romantiques», must listen to it, because this CD really worth it!